Welcome to my site

Most likely if you reading this website you are struggling with some aspect of yourself or someone close to you. You might be seeking further information about counselling, hypnosis or healing in general. The articles and links that appear on this site might be useful for you

My Services
I am a qualified and highly experienced psychotherapist with an interest in personal and professional mentoring. I am based on the Mornington Peninsula near Melbourne and have helped many clients with a range of issues relating to:

· Anxiety and panic
· Chronic pain
· Confidence and self esteem
· Men’s problems
· Grief & loss
· Lack of meaning
· Stress & anger
· Addictive behaviours

.Executive coaching
.Stress management
.Effective communication
.Team leadership
.Conflict resolution
.Creative problem solving
.Performing better

Benefits of my approach
My approach is solution focused and draws on contemporary therapeutic techniques within a Buddhist framework, particularly in relation to:

Discovering the benefits of hypnosis & guided meditation
Developing an understanding of the nature of suffering
Experiencing a greater sense of peace, security and well being
Recognising the role that myths and storytelling play in the self growth process
Reframing problems into positive concerns

For further information please contact me at: macrisron@gmail.com

Ron Macris
BA, Dip SO Counselling and Hypnosis
Member of ASOCHA (Constituent member of PACFA)

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Reframing problems into postive concerns

Reframing can be defined as the process whereby people come to think about and experience their situation differently. Reframing changes the original meaning of an event or situation, placing it in a new context in which an equally plausible explanation is possible. Reframing is directed toward relabeling the problem or redefining what a person has defined in a discouraging self-defeating manner.

Using language to re-frame a problem into a positive statement is an extremely effective method in the healing process. Transforming a client’s problem into a positive concern affirms their legitimacy as valid human beings and converts a defective client suffering a problem to a whole and good person who is then more able to manage their situation. Adlerian psychologists call it "turning a perceived 'minus' into a perceived 'plus'"

A client came to see me about his poor communication skills which was affecting his self esteem. When I responded by saying that’s because being understood is important to you, his face changed from one of bewilderment and he nodded his head saying, yes I never thought about it like that before.

The subsequent change in his body posture was ssignificant. He drew his shoulders back, raised his vision and smiled. We then discussed what things had been useful to him in the past about good communication and he mentioned that he often admires other people who in his opinion are good communicators.

My response, what types of things do they do that would be useful to you, How can you bring the things that you have learned from others in to your day-to-day life etc.

Since that discussion, the client has enrolled with Toastmasters where he has excelled. More importantly he no longer sees himself as a person with a handicap but rather as someone who has a lot to offer.

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